We have a very large database of ALDERSON events. We have a unique way of displaying our data using a specially written computer program which we call P-tree to which members have access to via the internet. P stands for pedigree.
We have approximately 202,000 records including, Births/Christenings, Marriages, Deaths/Burials, Census information, Details of Wills/Probates, Details of Property plus Digital Photographs and our Roll of Honour for those Aldersons who died in WW1 and WW2.
Where possible our records have been put into family groups and the families linked to past generations. We have identified more than 10,300 families and over 4,500 family lines.
Here’s how the family of John ALDERSON and Alice (CALVERT) is displayed:

Linked to each family are photographs and biographies from our magazine, Alderson Roots.